Monday, May 7, 2012

Why Etiquette & Social Skills Training?

Why is teaching children etiquette & social skills important? 

Etiquette training & social skills training provide answers and confidence as to how children should behave & react properly in social environments.  This is more than just manners.  We are talking about safety, prevention, & assertiveness. 

If you scan your local newspaper each day you will see a headline that points to the reasons why young people are increasingly in need of stronger life skills that will bolster their transition into healthy young adulthood.  Bullying, sexual abuse, & peer pressure are hot topics these days.  Each one of these issues can cause irreparable damage to a child's sense of self & safety.  

As a mother of two girls and a former sex abuse specialist, I understand every parent's worst nightmare of receiving a call that my child has been victimized.  I worked with sex offenders in the correctional and community setting for 6 years.  There are personality characteristics these offenders seek out in child victims to allow them easier access to victims.  Ironically, abusers share many of those same characteristics: poor social skills such as shyness, poor communication skills, weak familial support systems, poor assertiveness skills, and low confidence, for example.  Though not all victims fit this profile, many do and neither the child nor the parent are to blame.

As a child etiquette expert & social skills consultant, I can help your child achieve his or her maximum potential in home, school, & social environments that can better improve their chances for success at each critical moment they face, whether its witnessing or experiencing bullying or improving upon communication and listening skills.  Quite frankly, children benefit from etiquette training & social skills training because it works.



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